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PI's Audiovisual Comedy Barony

All sales are final.

"THE Patriarchal Irritant is Speaking to Inflame"

Headgear Reference: PI

Plus Sized Farm Gal's "Honesty" will include 7 episodes. Comedic storytelling perched at the Audiovisual Comedy Barony will be released as audiovisual media.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Episodes 1 through 7 of Plus Sized Farm Gal's "Honesty" are NOT AVAILABLE. Cover Art and Descriptions of those performances are provided to heighten viewers expectations associated pre-launched events.

PRIORI ASSUMPTION: Notice of a fact which is created by operation of law, despite a lack of actual notice. Documents pertaining to copyrights of High Resolution episodes of Plus Sized Farm Gal's "Honesty" is maintained by this company.

COMEDIC TEASERS: Listen to the teasing version of applicable episode via LINKED episode's title. Teasers are 1 minute in duration. Afterwards, implement your purchasing decision.

VIDEO CONTENT: Information contained will be distributed from ONLY one perch. That entity is
  • Video File Format: The frame rate, color depth, audio track characteristics shall be pursued to process the highest resolution and frame rate required to store the maximum amount of data.
  • Method of Defining Compression of Audio and Visual Digital Data will be aligned with coding of audio-visual objects that will provide a level of compressio that will serve the desired purpose without comprising image quality,
  • Distribution Objective is to provide the Consumer with Highter Quality Video Content regardless of complexities associated with supplying goods.

CAVEAT: Age of Majority (AOM) is required to purchase comedy at this store.

PRIVACY AND SECURITY PRECAUTIONS: Email communications transmitted via the Audiovisual Comedy Platform’s email client are encrypted, and can only be decrypted by the recipient on his or her device, nowhere in-between. This specific email service provider, does not track, log, or monitor electronic messaging via the Thomas Washington III’s email platform.