

Transformational Change is astir!

  • Remodeling will TEMPORARILY disrupt "email responding's time frame".

  • Business Hours WILL BE established to embrace nontraditional periods.

"Comedy - Procurement Consultation - Rhythmic Expression - Rhythmic unit of a Measure"

Your inquiry will be routed to the appropriate business entity predicated on your concerns. A response will be forthcoming; if the submitter is not anonymous, and email address is verifiable.
  • Acoustic Comedy Sphere

  • Audiovisual Comedy Barony

  • Music Beats Department

  • Procurement Consultant

  • Rhythmic Expression Division

CAVEAT: Payments are blocked from student account holders under 18 years old. Age of Majority (AOM) is required to PURCHASE outputs.

SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE: If you view the entertainer executing his gait within your community, communicate with him by writing his persona that is embroidered onto his headgear in front of as an email."




Email confirm

Comments or questions